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From Camera Utility to Art Dept., Lynch has learned the film industry inside and out and ventured into the art of film making that is his found passion, writing and producing from within his heart. As a Producer for hire, Lynch has the abilities and connections to fully staff your production. Locations are in his reach as well, simplifying scouting from the start of production.

Just For The Faux of It!
Produced By, Scott Lynch

Based on an hour reality scale, this was filmed for concept. A Pay It Forward show about Hollywood's Art Department doing good deeds in and around the TMZ (The "Thirty Mile Zone" of Hollywood). The production was produced by, Scott Lynch and his production team, based in Santa Clarita Ca.

Since 1985, Scott Lynch a.k.a. "Smiley" has been setting up stages and shows in an around Hollywood. Offering a Plethora of Studio Services, from Writers to Labor. We can staff a Full Production Crew just for you! Production Design, Construction, Art Dept., Grips, Camera, etc...
In 1996 Scott Lynch ventured into Television Production. Since then he has worked on film productions from Art Department to Camera Department. Learning the trade from all ends, as Construction Buyer for productions such as the Academy's Oscar's, Lynch understands budget in film making.